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Micro-Cap on Watch; Elevate Inc. (ELEV)

Elevate Inc.(OTC: ELEV), today, unveiled plans to launch Serifym™, which is the first voice-enabled, cloud-based residential and mobile family security service.

ELEV’s Serifym meets the security requirements of the modern family by providing protection against attacks that happen outside as well as inside the home. Some of the features of Serifym for home include infrared motion detection, streaming IP video surveillance, remote energy management, intrusion detection, push to talk voice control and push to talk help desk.

Bryan Ferrre, Chief Marketing Officer at Elevate, said that families are facing a whole new set of threats and protection means a lot more than it did even 5 years ago. Ferre said that Serifym promises to answer the challenges with one integrated services.

ELEV plans to start activating trial accounts by September 2012. Wright Thurston, CEO of Elevate, said that ELEV recognizes the need to expand its current offerings to include protection for emerging threats to the family.

Elevate shares are lower in trading today. At last check, the stock was down 1.54% to $0.640 on above average volume of 39,658.


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