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Micro-Caps in Focus; Medical Marijuana Inc. (MJNA), Worthington Energy Inc. (WGAS), PositiveID Corporation (PSID)

Shares of Medical Marijuana Inc. (PINK: MJNA), a company engaged in the medical marijuana and industrial hemp markets, are soaring in trading today.

At last check, MJNA shares were trading 16.66% higher at $0.370 on volume of 13.90 million. The stock hit an intra-day high of $0.41 earlier today. MJNA shares have gained more than 20% in the last three trading sessions.

MJNA shares are rallying after the company announced its audited fourth-quarter 2012 financial results. The company reported fourth-quarter net income of approximately $3.2 million and gross revenue of $5.2 million. MJNA’s gross revenue for the quarter rose 1100% over the same period in the previous year.

Michelle Sides, Chairman of Medical Marijuana, said that 2012 was an exciting and challenging year for the company and he is pleased that the company was able to meet its earlier commitment of providing shareholders audited financials.

Shares of Worthington Energy Inc. (PINK: WGAS), an exploration stage company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas in Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, are seeing a huge rally in trading today.

At last check, WGAS shares were trading 258.46% higher at $0.0233 on above average volume of 17.11 million.

WGAS shares have surged in trading today after the company provided an update on the status of its Vermillion Block of 179 (VM179) asset.

Shares of PositiveID Corporation (OTC: PSID), a developer of medical devices and biological detection systems focusing primarily on diabetes management, rapid medical testing, and airborne bio-threat detection, are up sharply in trading today.

At last check, PSID shares were trading 12% higher at $0.0224 on above average volume of 4.30 million. The stock has gained nearly 24% in the last three trading sessions.

PSID shares have been gaining momentum after the company reported issuance of draft RFP from Department of Homeland Security for BioWatch Generation 3.

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