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Micro-Cap on Watch; AbTech Holdings Inc. (ABHD)

Shares of AbTech Holdings Inc. (OTC: ABHD), an environmental technologies company providing various solutions to address issues of water pollution in the U.S., rose sharply in trading on Friday.

ABHD shares ended the day 2.78% higher at $0.851 on above average volume of 205,327.

AbTech Holdings on Friday announced that it scheduled a conference call for Wednesday, August 15, 2012 at 11 AM to discuss its financial results for the second quarter of 2012. ABHD will also provide an update on its business initiatives during the conference call.

Back in June, AbTech Holdings announced completion of stormwater treatment installations at two military bases located in Utah and California, with additional installations under development.

Bjornulf White, EVP Corporate Strategy and Business Development for AbTech, said that ABHD believes engineered vault systems are a stormwater and wastewater control and treatment measure with wide applicability throughout the world as they allow for relatively easing maintenance and are upgradable as containment focuses change and technologies improve.


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