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Micro-Cap of the Day; Genta Incorporated (GNTA)

Shares of Genta Incorporated (PINK: GNTA), a biopharmaceutical company engaged in the identification, development and commercialization of novel drugs for treatment of cancer and related diseases, are seeing a huge rally in trading today.

At last check, GNTA shares were trading 57.14% higher at $0.0011 on above average volume of 312.55 million.

According to a filing made by Genta Incorporated earlier this week, the company received formal notice from the drug regulatory authority of China (SFDA) that it can start clinical trial with tesetaxel in China. Tesetaxel is GNTA’s lead clinical compound.

SFDA requested and approved a dose-ranging study of the combination of capecitabine plus tesetaxel, up to and including the dose used in a pivotal randomized trial (known as TESEGAST), as well as subsequent participation by China in the TESEGAST study.

The TESEGAST study has been designed to assess the safety and activity of tesetaxel plus capecitabine compared with capecitabine plus placebo in patients with advanced gastric cancer.

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