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Zynga to Focus on Web-based Platforms (ZNGA)

Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ: ZNGA) CEO Mark Pincus said that notwithstanding recent industrial trend where video game developers have preferred mobile devices, he would continue to focus on web-based platforms.


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Yelp Shares Rise Sharply (YELP, AAPL, FB, ZNGA, LNKD)

Shares of Yelp Inc. (NYSE: YELP) rose sharply on Thursday following reports that technology giant Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) intends to include the website into its new mapping application.


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Facebook Starts Placing Ads on Zynga (FB, ZNGA)

Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ: FB) has started placing ads on Zynga Inc.’s (NASDAQ: ZNGA) website. The move is the latest effort from the social networking giant in last few weeks to add revenue sources following its disappointing initial public offering.


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Zynga Shares Rally after Goldman Sachs Reiterates Buy Rating (ZNGA)

Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ: ZNGA) shares, which have had a rough time lately, are surging in trading today after Goldman Sachs’s Heath Terry maintained a Buy rating on the company’s stock. Terry also reiterated a price target of $13 on ZNGA shares.


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Zynga Shares Come Under Pressure (ZNGA)

Shares of Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ: ZNGA) fell to all-time lows this week. Zynga shares have come under pressure recently due to the social-game maker’s close association with Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ: FB) and the prospect of new shares coming into market.


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