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Micro-Cap on the Move; LuxeYard Inc. (LUXR)

Shares of LuxeYard Inc. (PINK: LUXR), operator of a member-based online marketplace for luxury home and other consumer related products, rose sharply in trading today.

LUXR shares ended the day 9.62% higher at $0.285 on above average volume of 956,071. The stock touched an intra-day high of $0.38 today.

LUXR shares rallied after the company announced that it has surpassed 700,000 members milestone. The company said that the milestone was achieved mainly due to an increased focus on targeting higher quality marketing channels as well as new site functionality.

Joshua Thompson, LuxeYard’s CMO, said that member feedback has been critical and the company is implementing changes to its core e-commerce interface and marketing strategy to accommodate their suggestions for an enhanced experience with LUXR. Thompson said that LUXR wants its members to know that they can have access to luxury goods and products at any and every phase of their lives.


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