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Micro-Cap in News; Neologic Animation Inc. (NANI)

Shares of Neologic Animation Inc. (OTC: NANI), an educational software development and marketing company based in China, are gaining in trading today.

At last check, NANI shares were trading 3.70% higher at $0.140 on volume of 432,443. The stock touched an intra-day high of $0.15 today.

Neologic Animation today announced that it is executing its business plan to take advantage of the boom in after school education. The Chinese after school education market is estimated to have reached $29.65 billion in 2009. NANI said that growth of the Chinese market, especially the explosive growth of the country’s middle class, has created huge opportunities for the afterschool education market.

Existing players in the after school education market employ old teaching models, which are moderately effective. Neologic believes that a huge opportunity exists for a player in this market that has a differentiated, fresh, specifically tested and validated teaching method to both take market share from the legacy players as well as capture a large segment of the growing urban middle class market.


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