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Micro-Cap of the Day; Mike The Pike Productions Inc. (MIKP)

Shares of Mike The Pike Productions Inc. (PINK: MIKP), an entertainment company, have risen sharply in trading today.

At last check, MIKP shares were trading 57.14% higher at $0.0011 on above average volume of 181.09 million. The stock gained 83.33% in the last three trading sessions.

MIKP shares are soaring after the company issued an update for shareholders. MIKP CEO Mark B. Newbauer said that in the second quarter of 2012 the company launched an aggressive program to lower its debt and liabilities as part of a long-term commitment to growth. The company reduced its debt and long-term liabilities by $672,911.

MIKP also reduced over 50% of its authorized shares and 13.50% of its outstanding shares in the second quarter.

Mike The Pike also made progress on the operating front. Recently, MIKP acquired Saint James Films LLC, a movie studio engaged in the production of highly entertaining genre movies for the worldwide marketplace.


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