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Hot Stock; Genetic Technologies Limited (GENE)

Shares of Genetic Technologies Limited (ADR) (NASDAQ: GENE), a biotechnology company engaged in diagnostic product business, are up sharply in trading today.

At last check, GENE shares were trading 14.29% higher at $3.60 on volume of 538,766. In the last one month, GENE shares gained 27.86%.

Last month, Genetic Technologies provided an update on BREVAGen™ sales and the credentialing process with the top ten U.S. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs).

Dr. Paul MacLeman, CEO of Genetic Technologies, said last month that the recent increase in unit sales and revenue generation is illustrative that GENE is on the right track with regard to both sales messaging and credentialing contract execution for BREVAGen. MacLeman said that with the increased sales presence, GENE now has in place in new U.S. territories, the company is looking forward to continued commercial growth, particularly as it executes on credentialing contracts with further PPOs.

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