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Big Mover; Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc. (BMSN)

Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc. (PINK: BMSN) shares are seeing a huge rally in trading today. At last check, BMSN shares were trading 126.92% higher at $0.0059 on above average volume of 70.99 million.

BMSN shares are rallying today after the company announced that its Regen BioPharma unit appointed three internationally renowned regenerative medicine experts to its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).

Regen BioPharma is Bio-Matrix’s wholly-owned subsidiary focusing on the development of translational medicine platforms for the rapid commercialization of stem cell therapies. Regen’s new SAB members are David White, MD, Ph. D., who is a member of the Surgery and Immunology faculty of The Schulic School of Medicine, University of Western Ontario; Wei-Ping Min, MD, Ph. D, who is Professor at the Lawson Health Research Center in Canada; and Vlad Bogin, MD, who is the President and CEO of Cromos Pharma.

BMSN also said that Regen BioPharma signed a Letter of Intent with Cintaris LLC., a global contract research organization.


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