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Micro-Caps on the Move; Harbor Island Development Corp. (HIDC), Goff Corp. (GOFF), OBJ Enterprises Inc. (OBJE)

Shares of Harbor Island Development Corp. (OTC: HIDC), a Chesterfield, Virginia-based company that has brought together leaders in multichannel marketing for launching new products and services to market, are seeing a huge rally in trading today. At last check, HIDC shares were trading 186.09% higher at $0.0432 on above average volume of 178.05 million. The stock hit an intra-day high of $0.05 earlier today.

HIDC shares are surging after the company announced that it signed a print marketing agreement with Merlin Technologies.

Shares of Goff Corp. (OTC: GOFF), a mining company engaged in gold exploration with a view to developing highly prospective gold projects, are rallying in trading today. At last check, GOFF shares were trading 9.62% higher at $0.285 on volume of 13.33 million. The stock hit an intra-day high of $0.31 earlier today.

GOFF shares are climbing after the company announced that its recent acquisition of gold concessions in Colombia now position it among the country’s list of top gold exploration mining companies with several potential multi-million ounce gold targets.

Shares of OBJ Enterprises Inc. (OTC: OBJE) are surging in trading today. At last check, OBJE shares were trading 54.47% higher at $1.90 on above average volume of 705,634. The stock hit an intra-day high of $2.11 earlier today. OBJE shares have gained more than 387% in the last three trading sessions.

OBJE shares are soaring after the company’s gaming division, Obscene Interactive, announced that it final testing has started on the Android version of its debut gaming app, Phantasmic.

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