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Micro-Cap on the Move; Hannover House Inc. (HHSE)

Hannover House Inc. (PINK: HHSE), today, announced that it has loaded schedule with more than sixty titles for release during the next 18 months. The announcement has sent HHSE shares sharply higher in trading today.

HHSE, which is building on recent sales successes with ramped-up schedule of new titles for release to theatres, home video, video-on-demand and book media before the end of next year, said that eight theatrical titles will lead release slate that totals over sixty new titles. HHSE said that it will still have room for additional theatrical video and book acquisitions.

Eric Parkinson, CEO of Hannover House, said that over the past two years, HHSE has been aggressive in its pursuit of acquisitions and production ventures to feed its distribution release schedule. Parkinson said that the recent sales results from HHSE’s enhanced release slate have proven the merits of both a higher-profile line-up, as well as a higher frequency strategy, especially for the home video and video-on-demand markets.

HHSE shares have risen sharply in trading today. At last check, the stock was trading 5.26% higher at $0.0300 on volume of 299,200.

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