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Micro-Cap on the Move; IDO Security Inc. (IDOI)

Shares of IDO Security Inc. (OTC: IDOI), designer, developer and marketer of shoe scanning devices for the homeland security and loss prevention markets, rose sharply in trading today.

IDOI shares ended the day 6% higher at $0.371 on above average volume of 3.66 million. Despite today’s gains, the stock has fallen nearly 40% this week.

IDO Security recently announced that it installed additional MagShoe™ systems in government offices throughout Israel. The latest order follows successful installation of the MagShoe in 2007 at other Israeli government venues in Jerusalem.

IDOI’s Marketing Manager Avishai Rotshtain said that the order is a vote of confidence by the Israeli security establishment in the MagShoe as a tool of choice to detect metallic objects in lower parts of the body. Rotshtain further said that the order is a confirmation of a long and ongoing relationship between Israeli security officials and IDOI.


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